Onyx Storm Theory: Why was Violet touched by Dunne

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Written by: Cory

Onyx Storm Theory: Why was Violet touched by Dunne

Have you ever wondered why Asher decided to go to Dunne and not… I don’t know, Zihnal? Amari? Why Dunne for Violet? One would think that being favored by the Goddess of Gods might make a lot more sense, right?

In this little theory of mine, I want to share my train of thought on why I think Asher decided to take Violet to Unnbriel.

To make sense of it all, we need to go back to the beginning, all the way to Fourth Wing. Let’s begin.

“Pale skin, pale eyes, pale hair.” Her gaze siphons every ounce of my confidence down to the marrow in my bones. “It’s like that fever stole all your coloring along with your strength.”

This is pretty much the beginning of Fourth Wing when we are introduced to Violet.

“With such wan coloring in the vegetation, it comes as no surprise that it requires four times the amount of indigo to dye even the simplest garment. I can’t help but wonder if the colors of our Continent are the exception or if the isles are.” — Unnbriel: Isle of Dunne by Second Lieutenant Asher Daxton

What surprises me here is the parallel between Violet’s lack of color and the Isle of Unnbriel, which happens to be the Isle of Dunne. One thing is for certain: Violet was touched by Dunne, as we later learn from her hair and the confirmation from Theo.

Now, let’s go to Iron Flame:

“And before his body was even cold, I was stabbed with a poison-tipped blade.”

“Mom’s eyes flare, and she jerks her gaze away.”

Hmmm… How would Lilith know of a poison-tipped blade?

I’ll tell you how. Lilith was either stabbed by one herself or she saw Theo carry one in the past.

“But something isn’t right. The wound begins to burn, and I immediately battle to keep my balance as acid races through my veins. The tip on the knife is no longer green as it falls from my fingers.”

In Fourth Wing, we learn about the poison that can make riders feel removed from their magic. It acts very much like a powerful churram or like the elixir. Do you remember my theory on the elixir?

Fast-forward to Theo.

“Let’s not compare weapons.” She reaches for a knife sheathed in the belt of her gauzy purple robe and reveals just enough of its green tip to seize my breath for a heartbeat. “Our paths are too intertwined to begin with such hostility.”

Their paths intertwined. Because of Dunne?

“She’s their answer to my mother.” Saying it out loud snaps the shock from my system, and my mind begins to race. Only Aimsir’s exhaustion or a physical illness weakened Mom. Not even the strongest wind wielder could diminish Mom’s storms. “She was the answer to me,” Theophanie hisses, and the clouds start to swirl. The tornado. My chest clenches. My mother had never accomplished that particular feat.

We learn that Lilith was the answer to Theo. They met before. Lilith knew of her before she developed her signet. How does that work? How could Lilith have known about venin before she even began being a rider? Are they… related?

“Your mother knew at your age that she was no match for me. That’s why she hid behind those wards. Perhaps you should have followed her example.”

So Lilith knew of Theo when she was Violet’s age. We also know that she met Asher when they were both at Basgiath but in different quadrants.

We also learn something odd about the family line. The Sorrengails have a dead grandmother in Deaconshire (capial Ruel). And they have one living grandmother, Niara, who lives in Luceras.

We know that there was friction between Grandmother Niara, Asher, and Lilith. Given this sentence: “Something to do with Dad marrying Mom, right?”

This leads me to believe that Granny Niara was Asher’s mother. So, Asher is from Luceras and Lilith is from Calddyr?

We learn from Mira that Granny Niara knew that Asher was studying the isles. And the communication was severed when Violet was a toddler.

“The months are missing in the middle of the book,” she counters. “And they’re from the summer Mom and Dad left us with Grandma Niara. Mom purposely didn’t write anything.”

We’re talking about Lilith’s journals. She didn’t write for the entire duration they were away… Mira and Brennan stayed with Niara.

“I was eight,” Mira interrupts. “And it was just you and me, remember? Violet was too little to stay. When they returned, Grandma stopped speaking to them.”

Interesting. Why would Niara stop talking to both Lilith and Asher for trying to dedicate Violet to Dunne? We also have information on why her dedication was not completed.

“You will believe me, Brennan, because it happened! It’s why she refused to speak to either of them. The priestess started the process, then told Mom and Dad that they only accepted children whose futures are certain, and Violet still had paths to choose from—”

But then there is more. The answer to our question. Why would Asher pick Dunne?

“Dad thought you were perfect, and he said that parents used to dedicate their infants to a particular deity’s service when they thought the touch of a god would help that child—”

Asher. Asher tried to give Violet a kickstart in life. Only Asher. Lilith didn’t go with him. And didn’t approve of his plan either.

“I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive him for what he’s done to her.”

The conclusion is simple. Theo had been dedicated to Dunne and thus, Asher wanted Violet to also dedicate Violet to protect her from Theo.

“You were never just venin,” I reply. “Dunne is a wrathful goddess to high priestesses who turn their backs on Her.”

Lilith became a powerful storm wielder in answer to Theo, as magic demands balance. She knew about green-tipped poison daggers because she had seen one before—perhaps even been partly drained or stabbed herself while pregnant with Violet.

Asher is afraid for his children, so he takes Violet to be dedicated and protected from Theo when the time comes. The only thing is… Violet is also touched by another God, at least that’s what I think.

A gift from one servant of Dunne to another. I must warn you—only those touched by the gods should wield their wrath. I will pray to Her that she need not use it to avoid reacquainting herself with the other who curries her favor. Her path is still not set. — Recovered Correspondence of High Priestess Deservee to His Royal Highness, Cadet Aaric Graycastle, Prince Camlaen of Navarre

Let’s break this down bit by bit:

“A gift from one servant of Dunne to another.”
This indicates that the item was given from one follower of the goddess Dunne to another.

“I must warn you—only those touched by the gods should wield their wrath.”
This is a cautionary statement, implying that the weapon or artifact carries immense power and should only be handled by those who have been “touched by the gods.” Violet had been touched by Dunne.

“I will pray to Her that she need not use it to avoid reacquainting herself with the other who curries her favor.”
Option 1 – The priestess hopes that the recipient won’t have to use the weapon, possibly because doing so would lead them to confront someone else who is also favored by Dunne. Theophanie who is also aligned with Dunne.

Option 2 – “I will pray to Her (Dunne) that she need not use it, to avoid reacquainting herself with the other who curries her favor (Malek).” This would strongly imply that if Violet has to use this weapon, it could lead to her death, sending her back to Malek. The wording “reacquainting herself” is what makes this theory so strong—suggesting she has already encountered Malek in some way.

“Her path is still not set.”
This suggests that Violet has choices ahead of her. I so wonder why this is so relevant. Could she eventually turn venin?

And there you have it. My guess is that Asher allowed Violet to be touched by two Gods. Dunne to protect Violet from the inevitable time when Theo will find and try to kill her. And Malek…because we don’t know yet. But I have no doubt that we will find that out soon.

To also contradict myself, there is every possibility that Violet was touched by Dunne and Loial. Why? Because Xaden calls her Violence (Dunne) and Love (Loial).

Share that Venin and Wyvern are real!

7 responses to “Onyx Storm Theory: Why was Violet touched by Dunne”

  1. Just a small thing—Deaconshire has its own province. Calldyr too (it’s both the capital city and a province). But even so, I think Tyrendor ancestors are likely there on the grandfather’s side.

    As for Love + Violence, I think it’s brilliant! I also feel like the fisrt time she was touched was during the pregnancy. Logically, death—Malek—comes to mind. But how does Love fit into that? A mother’s love? Some kind of sacrifice? Is the Venin represented by a god of love?

    I still stand by the theory that the highest Venin is General DarAmor ( give love), red is the dominant color of the Venin. ..
    Touched ( drained partialy) by Venin?

    1. You are absolutely right! I will make the edits right away.
      Logically death, right? Especially because during the interview you told me about, she does say that Malek is her favorite. But she said something crucial. She said “when you meet Malek you’re done”. He’s scary and that kinda makes him hot.
      So she did say it as if, meeting Malek is sort of final. But something tells me there is so much more to it. And every single time Violet TELLS him to not take someone from her, he listens.

      I do not know how love fits into it. It’s really confusing at the moment and I will read it over and over and OVER until it clicks. Eventually, it will. I want that eureka moment.

  2. I think option 1 is invalid. The second “her” is not capitalized as it would be if it were referencing Dunne such as the first “Her”.

    1. Oh. You are so very right! Of course…

  3. Malek allowed Liam to visit Violet. I think he curries Violet’s favor. Malek is ever-present with her, but he has not claimed her. Maybe because she sends so many new and interesting people for him to meet? Whatever the reason, I took that line to mean that the priestess prayed to Dunne that Violet wouldn’t have to use the dagger to avoid meeting Malek.

  4. There’s a chapter when they are searching the Isles for Andarna’s kind, and someone on the island refers to Violet’s dad with a different last name. Does this mean that Violet’s dad took the Sorrengail name from Lilith? Is this to do with why the nan is not happy?

    1. Yes! He took the Sorrengail surname. I think he was a scribe legacy and Lilith is a rider legacy. I think nan doesn’t want to talk to them because he got the Gods involved.

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